Technická dokumentace

Uživatelské nástroje

Nástroje pro tento web




  • Pokud migrujeme z verze 1.3.x do 2.x, nainstalujeme nejdriv
apt-get install ruby-dev
gem install bundler
  • Zazalohujeme databazi
  • Zazalohujeme adresar public, config
  • Ostatni adresare a soubory krome adresare files smazeme a nakopirujeme novou verzi
  • Ze stareho adresare config prekopirujeme soubory configuration.yml a database.yml

Pokud pouzivame ruby 1.9 a vyssi, zmenime v soubory database.yml radek adapter: mysqladapter: mysql2
Do souboru configuration.yml (pokud tam jeste neni), pridame secret_token: 'abcd' kde abcd bude nahodny retezec

  • Prepneme se do root adresare redmine a spustime instalaci. Pokud pouzivame pluginy, je dobre vsechny zavislosti na dalsim gems vyjmenovat do souboru Gemfile

Upgrade verze 3.x

bundle install --without development test
  • Pokud aktulizujeme z verze 2.5.x na novejsi, pouzijeme prikaz bundle update
  • Nyni provedeme migraci databaze
bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
  • Pokud mame nejake plguiny
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
  • A na zaver vycistime cache
<del>bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear tmp:sessions:clear</del>
bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear RAILS_ENV=production
  • Nyni provedeme restart Apache

Poznamky pri instalaci pluginu

Pokud provedeme nejakou zmenu ve strukture databaze, je nutne vzdy potom zavolat bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production v root adresari redmine a potom restartovat Apache

Pokud provedeme instalaci noveho pluginu (umistujeme do adresare plugins), je nutne zavolat rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production a potom restartovat Apache
Pokud chceme plugin odinstalovat, je potreba zavolat rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=plugin_name VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production, potom smazat plugin z adresare plugins a restartovat Apache

Napojeni na nextcloud

CREATE VIEW nextcloud_user AS
SELECT users.login, users.hashed_password, users.salt, email_addresses.address
FROM users
INNER JOIN email_addresses ON (users.id=email_addresses.user_id)
WHERE users.status=1 AND users.type="User";

Instalace konkretni verze bundle

gem install bundler -v 1.16.1
bundler -v

Bundler version 1.16.1
gem uninstall bundler

Select gem to uninstall:
 1. bundler-1.17.1
 2. bundler-2.1.4
 3. All versions



Pokud po aktualizaci redmine zaznamename pri vkladani poznamek k ticketu nasledujici chybu

translation missing: en.field_send_notification changed from 0 to --- !ruby/object:Mail::Message body: !ruby/object:Mail::Body boundary: --==_mimepart_52a0ad837f377_63933fb8c3f4a54081298 preamble: .... 

potom je potreba odstranit v tabulce issue sloupec send_notification a nasledne potom zavolat prikaz bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production a restartovat apache.

Pokud uz se nam prihodilo, ze jsou nektere poznamky k ticketu o tyto hlasku prodlouzeny, najdeme je a smazeme z tabulky journal_details

Chyba 500 pri ukladani ukolu nebo nahodne pri nacitani ticketu s prilohama

    PassengerUploadBufferDir /cesta/redmine/passenger/

a zkontrolovat ze v adresari redmine tento existuje a ma do nej apache pravo zapisu

Od verze 5 se to jmenuje - PassengerDataBufferDir

Upgrade ruby na 2.3

  • po upgradu ruby je potreba znova nainstalovat bundler gem install bundler pripadne doinstalovat dalsi zavilosti ktere se zjisti pri naslednem zusteni bundle install


We had the same issue and after some investigations, we found that the problem was generated by the redmine_agile plugin.


html {
-  overflow-y: inherit !important;
+  /* overflow-y: inherit !important; */

Upgrade na Ruby 2.5 / Debian 10

  1. gem install bundler:1.17.1
  2. bundle update --bundler

Pokud to vypise nejakou chybu o neexistence verze v repozitari, tak provedte update prislusneho balicku, ktery to pise, napr.:

  1. bundle update mimemagic

Nakonec provest stadanrdni postup pri upgradu redmine viz. vyse.

Pokud nestartuje po upgradu apache - stalo se mi pod LXC

  1. sed -i -e 's,PrivateTmp=true,PrivateTmp=false\nNoNewPrivileges=yes,g' /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service
  2. systemctl daemon-reload

Ruby 2.5; Postgres 10+

Pri migraci muze hlasit potize s pravama - nektere tabulky v databazi maji jineho vlastnika nez uzivatele, ktery se pouzova pro pripojeni z redmine. Resenim je opravit vlastnika:

for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public';" redmine` ; do  psql -c "alter table \"$tbl\" owner to redmine" redmine ; done

for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'public';" redmine` ; do  psql -c "alter view \"$tbl\" owner to redmine" redmine ; done

for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = 'public';" redmine` ; do  psql -c "alter sequence \"$tbl\" owner to redmine" redmine ; done

Gitolite v2 => Gitolite v3

  • backing up all the repositories and hooks
  • dpkg –purge gitolite
  • rm -rf /var/lib/gitolite
  • install gitolite3 (ev. dpkg-reconfigure gitolite3)
  • putting the repositories and hooks back in place
  • running:
gitolite compile
gitolite setup --hooks-only
gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE
  • uncoment in .gitolite.rc
   # look for "git-config" in the documentation
    GIT_CONFIG_KEYS                 =>  '.*',

    LOCAL_CODE                =>  "$ENV{HOME}/local",
  • sudo to redmine user and run:
bundle exec rake redmine_git_hosting:update_repositories RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec rake redmine_git_hosting:fetch_changesets RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec rake redmine_git_hosting:install_gitolite_hooks RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec rake redmine_git_hosting:install_hook_parameters RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec rake redmine_git_hosting:install_gitolite_hooks RAILS_ENV=production


Pokud najdeme v logu logs/git_hosting.log tyto hlasky:

2022-07-26 18:28:25 +0200 [ERROR] Access denied for Gitolite Admin SSH Keys
2022-07-26 18:28:25 +0200 [ERROR] unsupported URL protocol

a zaroven v konfigurace git hostingu v redmine na karte configtest sviti v kolonce Rugged compiled features ssh červeně, tak je potřeba nainstalovat znova gem rugged s podporou ssh

# gem list | grep rugged
rugged (0.99.0)
# gem uninstall rugged
# apt-get install libssh2-1-dev
# gem install rugged -v 0.99.0

Migrace Trac do Redmine

# rake redmine:migrate_from_trac RAILS_ENV="production"

WARNING: a new project will be added to Redmine during this process.
Are you sure you want to continue ? [y/N] y

Trac directory []: /var/local/projects/prometheus
Trac database adapter (sqlite3, mysql2, postgresql) [sqlite3]: 
Trac database encoding [UTF-8]: 
Target project identifier []: prometheus

This project already exists in your Redmine database.
Are you sure you want to append data to this project ? [Y/n] y

Trac database version is: 26
Migrating components.
Migrating milestones...........
Migrating custom fields
Migrating tickets....................................
Migrating wiki......................................................

Components:      1/1
Milestones:      11/11
Tickets:         36/36
Ticket files:    0/0
Custom values:   0/0
Wiki edits:      54/54
Wiki files:      0/0

Upgrade na Debian 12

PG::DependentObjectsStillExist: ERROR:  cannot drop column identity_url of table users because other objects depend on it
DETAIL:  view groupmembers depends on column identity_url of table users
HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.

je potreba pres phppgadmin odstranit kaskdovite prislusny sloupecek a nasledne znova vytvorit - jinak neprojde db:migrate

  • Do konfiguraku apache pridat:
# pridano 2024-07-23 start
    PassengerFriendlyErrorPages on
    PassengerAppEnv production
# pridano 2024-07-23 konec

Vice instanci Redmine na jednom serveru

Je potreba oddelit virtualhostama a do kazdeho pridat nasledujici nastavni

#    # CHANGE PassengerAppGroupName FOR OTHER INSTANCES
    PassengerAppGroupName redminetst_default
    PassengerDefaultUser www-data
howto/hosting/redmine.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/09/26 18:08 autor: gandalf