Switche Brocade
FastIron FCX648S(-HPOE)
Bypass hesla
behem bootu vypise tohle:
FCX Boot Code Version 7.0.01 (grz07001) Enter 'a' to stop at memory test Enter 'b' to stop at boot monitor
zmacknout [B] (aktivuje "boot monitor"). tam spustit prikazy:
no password boot system flash primary
Deaktivace stackovani
Pokud se stane, ze ani po bypassnuti hesla a enable nejde nic nastavovat (napr. zadat "configure terminal"), muze to bejt tim, ze je switch ve slave modu do stacku. To se vyresi tohle.
enable stack unconfigure me
Reset nastaveni
enable erase startup-config
Nastaveni hesla
enable configure terminal enable super-user-password <text>
dalsi enable hesla:
enable port-config-password <text> enable read-only-password <text>
Nastaveni IP adresy
enable configure terminal ip address ip default-gateway
Vygenerovat klice a nastavit ssh
configure terminal crypto key generate
3) set an idle timeout
ip ssh idle-time 20 !time in minutes
4) set a login timeout
ip ssh timeout 60 !time in seconds
5) consider disabling telnet (optional)
no telnet server
6) Now create the local login accounts:
user icxadmin privilege 0 pass <yourSuperSecurePassword>
7) Configure AAA to use the local user database as default
aaa authentication login default local
8) Consider enabling user/pass requirement for console access too (optional)
enable aaa console
Povolit prihlasovani lokalnich useru
povolit prebirani loginu ze seznamu user ("local") jinak se pouziva jen superuser heslo ("enable")
enable configure terminal aaa authentication login default local aaa authentication web-server default local
povolit zmeny hesel pres vsechny interfacy (jinak to nejde treba pres web)
password-change any
Zalozit lokalniho usera
enable configure terminal username USERNAME password HESLO
Ulozit konfiguraci
write memory
Dump konfigurace
write terminal
lag-hash exclude-l2mac ! lag <jmeno> dynamic id 1 ports ethernet 1/1/43 to 1/1/46 primary-port 1/1/43 lacp-timeout long
~ na linuxu: 802.3ad, balancing per IP adresa (default je MAC)
bonding mode=4 miimon=100 lacp_rate=1 xmit_hash_policy=1