Permissions cheatsheet
Meaning of RWX Combinations
Octal digit | Text equivalent | Binary value | Meaning |
0 | --- | 000 | All types of access are denied |
1 | --x | 001 | Execute access is allowed only |
2 | -w- | 010 | Write access is allowed only |
3 | -wx | 011 | Write and execute access are allowed |
4 | r-- | 100 | Read access is allowed only |
5 | r-x | 101 | Read and execute access are allowed |
6 | rw- | 110 | Read and write access are allowed |
7 | rwx | 111 | Everything is allowed |
Meaning of RWX bits for files and folders
Access type | File | Folder |
Read | If the file contents can be read | If the directory listing can be obtained |
Write | If user or process can write to the file (change its contents) | If user or process can change directory contents somehow: create new or delete existing files in the directory or rename files. |
Execute | If the file can be executed | If user or process can access the directory, that is, go to it (make it to be the current working directory) |
Digital representation of setuid, setgid and sticky bits
Octal digit | Binary value | Meaning |
0 | 000 | setuid, setgid, sticky bits are cleared |
1 | 001 | sticky bit is set |
2 | 010 | setgid bit is set |
3 | 011 | setgid and sticky bits are set |
4 | 100 | setuid bit is set |
5 | 101 | setuid and sticky bits are set |
6 | 110 | setuid and setgid bits are set |
7 | 111 | setuid, setgid, sticky bits are set |
Meanings of SUID, SGID and Sticky bits
SUID | If set, then replaces "x" in the owner permissions to "s", if owner has execute permissions, or to "S" otherwise. Examples: -rws------ both owner execute and SUID are set-r-S------ SUID is set, but owner execute is not set |
SGID | If set, then replaces "x" in the group permissions to "s", if group has execute permissions, or to "S" otherwise. Examples: -rwxrws--- both group execute and SGID are set-rwxr-S--- SGID is set, but group execute is not set |
Sticky | If set, then replaces "x" in the others permissions to "t", if others have execute permissions, or to "T" otherwise. Examples: -rwxrwxrwt both others execute and sticky bit are set-rwxrwxr-T sticky bit is set, but others execute is not set |
howto/linux/permissions.txt · Poslední úprava: 2014/01/29 03:12 autor: