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howto:linux:useful_commands [2016/12/29 17:36] harviehowto:linux:useful_commands [2017/01/03 21:48] – [Video] harvie
Řádek 101: Řádek 101:
 <code bash>ffmpeg -i IN.mp4 -vf hue=h=0:s=2:b=0 OUT.mp4</code> <code bash>ffmpeg -i IN.mp4 -vf hue=h=0:s=2:b=0 OUT.mp4</code>
 +=== Capture screencast using ffmpeg ===
 +<code bash>ffmpeg -video_size 1280x800 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0+0,0 output.mp4</code>
 +with sound:
 +<code bash>ffmpeg -video_size 2000x400 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0+0,0 -f alsa -ac 2 -i default output.mp4</code>
 ==== CUPS Printing ==== ==== CUPS Printing ====
 Install CUPS and you get the print server cupsd and the print commands lpstat, lpr and lpq, amongst others. I installed CUPS on two Gentoo boxes, following the Gentoo Printing Guide. On one of these machines I run the cupsd server. Install CUPS and you get the print server cupsd and the print commands lpstat, lpr and lpq, amongst others. I installed CUPS on two Gentoo boxes, following the Gentoo Printing Guide. On one of these machines I run the cupsd server.
howto/linux/useful_commands.txt · Poslední úprava: 2022/09/29 21:44 autor: gandalf